This weekend we went to Sweetberry Farms in Marble Falls. Our friends, the DeShazo's went with us. Will had to work, but Candice and little Ethan came. It was a really cute place and super crowded!!! It had everything! You could stuff a scarecrow, paint a pumpkin, hay rides, wildflower picking, etc! We didn't do all that. Ethan isn't even 2 yet so we played around in the pumpkins and did a few activities. When he was done with it we headed over to River City Grill for lunch. Candice's dad owns the restaurant and her husband Will is the manager. So Will got to be a part of the day during lunch! We had a good time. The pics are the day backwards, oh well! Enjoy!!!
These are the flowers I picked!
Ethan was getting tired. Manny loves Ethan and it makes his baby fever worse!
There was a caterpillar on one of the flowers.

The flower field.
The flower field.
More of the flower fields.
Tired boy!
Hay painted a decorated to look like a pig!
Picking the next activity.
Ethan on the hay ride with his pumpkins.
Manny is all about the food at places like this. When he saw corn, he made a bee line!
Ethan driving the pumpkin boat.
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