The Blank Wall

I have this blank wall that is driving me crazy in our kitchen! If you saw my last the post about our new apartment, then you are probably thinking that it's the only blank wall in the house! True, but I love a homey feel and I love cool stuff on the wall. I have a 2 ideas and I can't decide which one to do.

This is said blank wall! It needs life and color!!! This is unacceptable!
Here's idea number one! I have loved this pic of an outdoor drink station. Maybe my cute secretary desk will be used for this precious idea in a house one day, but for now I'm focusing on the framed chalkboard.

I like the idea of having a weekly menu in my kitchen.

But it would have to have a cute frame like this one around it!

My other idea is revolved around this! Manny and I bought this photo at the public market in Seattle. I thought about hanging this on the wall with some pics that I took of the market. Seattle is such a big part of us and I want to put this some where in my house! It needs a home too!

I took this pic of the public market sign in Seattle. I love it. It was by far my favorite place in Seattle. I could have gone there everyday and never gotten sick of it. There is always something different going on there!

I love this pic of the olive oil cans. They were so cute and colorful.

This is what you find in the market. Rows upon rows of colorful food!


Not to mention they had cute handwritten signs. Some had some pretty clever sayings on them!


So those are my ideas. Should I do a cute chalkboard menu in a vintage frame or do a tribute to our Seattle time! Or I could fuse the two and hang some of my pics of Seattle on either side of the frame! Decisions, decisions!


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